Receivables Funding
We at The
Funding Source Network
are committed to delivering cash flow solutions to the medical community.
Changes in legislation and methods of reimbursement, and the impact
of managed care and rate capitation have prompted an increase in financial
difficulties in the healthcare industry. Repayment can take
as long as 60-120 days, whether the funds are coming from individuals,
private insurance companies, HMO's, PPO's or government sources.
As these changes take place outdated methods of operating are obsolete
and the foundation for new, innovative methods are needed. The
Funding Source Network
welcomes your inquiries.
Funding Source Network
can reduce inconsistent cash flow caused by third party payors and the
insurance industry.
By financing your medical receivables, The
Funding Source Network
can assist you to cover payroll, acquire state of the art equipment
to remain competitive, take a much-needed vacation or expand your staff
operations and facilities to increase profitability.
Funding Source Network
can alleviate staff turnover and accuracy in processing issues.
We are committed to providing billing services, for practices of all
sizes, lowering office overhead, reducing the number of claims rejected
by insurers and increasing your net profit percentages considerably.
In addition, this sophisticated billing service will provide you with
real-time dial-up and computerized access to your accounts
receivables and revenues, keeping you constantly abreast of your billing
and collections accounts.
The Funding Source Network today at (916) 515-0039!
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